Finally, Samsung has launched the variant of Galaxy Note 4 in India, dubbed the Galaxy Note Edge at a price tag of Rs. 64,900. The phablet was launched in the Samsung’s unpacked event during IFA in September and had announced that it will sell the device in select markets only.
The Samsung Galaxy Note Edge will hit shelves in the first week of January next year with select retailers only, and will be available in Charcoal Black and Frost White colors.
It’s the first device from the Samsung to use company’s flexible-display technology, where the right edge extends and curves until it reaches the back.
The result of this slant display is that, information such as weather, messages and time can be seen from the side when the phone is laid on a table – such as a nightstand next to the bed.
The Galaxy Note Edge is a high-end flagship device, so it packs some impressive specs, just like any other flagship device. The Samsung Galaxy Note Edge features a 5.6-inch Quad-HD+ (1440+160×2560 pixel) Super AMOLED display, and is powered by a quad-core 2.7GHz Snapdragon 805 processor.
It comes with Adreno 420 GPU, 3GB of RAM and includes 32 GB internal storage which supports microSD up to 64 GB. It sports a 16-megapixel autofocus rear camera with Smart OIS, and a 3.7-megapixel front-facing camera with an f/1.9 lens.
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