WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app in the world. It is owned by Facebook, and they have just announced that WhatsApp now has a whopping 1.5 Billion active users. With the growth of users, WhatsApp continues to add new features in order to keep them happy and engaged. Previously, they brought the end-to-end chat encryption feature, and now they are back with some new features. Take a look at them:
1. Watch YouTube videos
If someone sends you a YouTube video, you don’t have to leave WhatsApp anymore in order to watch it. Thanks to the new update, you can watch videos within the app. As soon as you will press the play button, the video will start to play in a floating window that can be moved around the screen. So you can watch the video and have a conversation simultaneously.
2. Add stickers
Just like Instagram, you can now add stickers in WhatsApp as well. WhatsApp recently announced that it will now allow users to tag location, add current time and put stickers on any photo or video they want to send to an individual or group. To add these customizations, users have to tap the smiling face that appears on the top of the screen while sending photos and videos. It will launch the sticker’s dock, that will have the option to place time and location as well on the photo and video.
3. Send money
WhatsApp will soon launch a money transfer feature in India, through which users can send and receive money in a jiff. Facebook, the parent company of WhatsApp has recently tried this new peer-to-peer payment system on one million users. With 200 million users, India is the biggest market for WhatsApp, and hence it will start the payment system soon in India.Jihosoft WhatsMate: Backup, restore, recover and transfer WhatsApp data on Android&iPhone.
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